4 Chinese men jailed after kidnapping a compatriot in Bohol

PANGLAO, Bohol — A Chinese businesswoman allegedly kidnapped by four Chinese men and two Filipinos was rescued on Tuesday morning by authorities in this tourist town. The victim was identified as Chen (family name withheld), 53, a native of No. 23 Lijianqiao, Changshu City in Jiangsu province, China. The police said Chen, who runs a business in Bohol, was last seen on Oct. 18 at Dauis town. The kidnappers allegedly brought and detained Chen in Panglao. The police said they received a report about a possible kidnapping and serious iIlegal detention on Oct. 23. The Bohol provincial police immediately conducted an investigation and a relentless and aggressive pursuit and rescue operation for the recovery of the victim and the arrest of the suspects. Arrested were Hong Tianfu, residing at 1500 Roxas Boulevard, Ermita, Manila; Deng Ru You, 34, of Shichuang Nan Chong; Wang Lie, 33, of Jianshu Wuxi; and Long Qingqing, 34, of Quizhou Biyie. The arrested Filipino accomplices were Roberto Jeremy Atienza, 25; and Jonel Dave Olayres, 23, both from Manila. “Nadamay lang kami dito. Mga trabahador lang kami. (We’re just impleaded here. We are just workers),” Olayres told reporters. Police said the suspects got ransom money from the victim’s family through bank transfer. The report did not give details of the supposed kidnapping or other data about the victim. Recovered from the suspects were two cal. 45 pistols and two vehicles, one of which was owned by the victim. The rescued victim will be turned over to her family. Colonel Lorenzo Batuan, provincial police director, assured the public that Bohol remained safe despite the incident. “We are here to prevent and solve crimes,” said Butuan, who thanked the police and community for their cooperation. Gov. Aris Aumentado, who was at the scene after the arrest, described the incident as an “isolated” case. RELATED STORIES Taiwanese woman rescued from alleged Chinese kidnappers … Abducted Chinese woman rescued in Batangas lzb

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