Israeli military preparing for ‘significant ground operations’

JERUSALEM — The Israeli military said Saturday its forces were preparing to implement a wide range of operational offensive plans as expectations grew of an imminent invasion of the Gaza Strip, a week after Hamas gunmen launched a devastating attack on Israel. In a statement, the Israeli military said its forces were deployed across the country, increasing operational readiness for the next stages of the war, “with an emphasis on significant ground operations.” READ: A week into war, Gazans flee homes as Israeli ground offensive looms Israel earlier called on Palestinians to evacuate. The Israeli military claimed “hundreds of thousands” of Palestinians had heeded the warning and headed south. The evacuation call covers an area of 1.1 million residents or about half the territory’s population. But Palestinians struggled Saturday to flee from areas of Gaza targeted by the Israeli military as they also grappled with worsening water and medical supply shortages. READ: As Israel bombards Gaza, bakeries run out of bread, water runs low Hamas, for its part, urged people to stay in their homes. READ: Biden urges Israel, Palestine leaders to allow humanitarian aid to Gaza

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