Zambales mourns death of ex-Vice Gov. Ramon Lacbain II

SAN ANTONIO, Zambales, Philippines — This province is mourning the sudden death of former Vice Gov. Ramon Lacbain II, a dedicated radio broadcaster and public servant, on Saturday, Oct. 14. Lacbain, 59, died due to cardiac arrest, his family confirmed in a text message. He had been in public service since 1980 when he served as barangay chairman of Wawandue in Subic town. He also served as a provincial board member for 13 years beginning in 1985 and became the official spokesperson of the Department of Agriculture from 2000 to 2001. He also served as vice governor in the province of Zambales from 2001-2007 and from 2010-2016. In addition to his political career, Lacbain was widely recognized as a community builder and advocate for various social causes. His passing represents a significant loss to the province that benefited greatly from his passion, dedication, and selfless service. ATM

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